Aeon’s End: Legacy of Gravehold is the second legacy game in the Aeon’s End line of games. Legacy of Gravehold has a deeper, more immersive narrative with branching paths. After each game, players will receive experience. They will spend that experience on enhancement stickers, those along with player cards will allow the players to become more powerful.
However, the nemeses that players will face grow stronger and stronger
with each battle. Legacy of Gravehold has more than twice as many mages as all
previous base sets, and more than twice as many nemeses as well.
Aeon's End: Legacy of Gravenhold
1-4 Spieler
Empfohlen: 1–4 Spieler
Am besten: 2 Spieler
Empfohlenes Alter
14+ Jahre
60 Minuten
Heavy (3.46 / 5)
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