ONUS! Armies VI: Macedonia: Add more number of unit cards to those included in the ONUS! games.
Generals Alexander the Great, Philip II and Philip V, 5 Pezhetairos, 2 Hetairoi, 2 Prodromoi, 3 Hypaspists, 5 Psilois, 2 Agrianians, 2 Hoplites , 1 Hoplites attendants, 1 Scythian Archers, 1 Athenian Cavalry, 2 Peltasts, 2 Thessalian Cavalry, 3 Thorakitai, 1 Hippeis Cavalry, 1 Spartan Hoplites, 2 Helots infantry, 1 Helots slingers and 1 Spartan Cavalry.
This is an expansion box and you need the core game ONUS! Pack or ONUS! Traianus game box to play.
Sprache: English
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