In Air, Land, & Sea, two players participate in a series of Battles, with the objective to control two of the three Theaters of war after both players have played all of their Battle cards, or convince your opponent to withdraw!
Great options for this one: Standalone — Just play with the 3 new theaters provided: Intelligence, Diplomacy, Economics.
Mix w/ Base Game — Play with any combination of 3 theaters from either box: ex. Intelligence, Air, Land
Epic Mode — Play with any combination of 5 theaters from either box: ex. Intelligence, Diplomacy, Economics, Land, Sea
Air Land & Sea: Spies Lies & Supplies
2-4 Spieler
Empfohlen: 2 Spieler
Am besten: 2 Spieler
Empfohlenes Alter
14+ Jahre
30 Minuten
Light (1.77 / 5)
Jon Perry
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