In Air, Land, & Sea, two players participate in a series of Battles, with the objective to control two of the three Theaters of war after both players have played all of their Battle cards, or convince your opponent to withdraw!
Revised Edition changes:
1. The game is now more color blind (and low light) friendly. Every card now has an icon indicating what theater it belongs to.
2. The back of the theater cards now contains a list of the cards contained within that theater and their abilities. This is meant to be used as a convenient reference when trying to determine what your opponent might be holding.
3. The rule that you can't flip covered cards is no longer a universal rule but has instead been relocated onto individual card texts. So the cards themselves will now specify that you can only flip an "uncovered card,' for example.
4. Wording throughout the cards and rulebook has been improved to make ability interactions more clear.
5. The timing of abilities has changed which will apply in certain rare edge cases. The new rule is that abilities, once triggered, always resolve fully, and in the order they were triggered.