Product description
There was a night when winds from unknown spaces whirled us irresistibly into limitless vacuum beyond all thought and entity.
–H.P. Lovecraft, “Hypnos”
Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, for the first time, you have the chance to invite five new faces to your games with a new type of product—Investigator Starter Decks!
- Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck
- Harvey Walters Investigator Starter Deck
- Winifred Habbamock Investigator Starter Deck
- Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck
- Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck
Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to the game—if your friend has a Arkham Horror: The Card Game collection, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or build your own deck to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.
Even if you’re a veteran player, there are plenty of reasons to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. All five of these investigators are brand-new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game, and three of them are completely new to the Arkham Horror Files universe! Every starter deck is primarily composed of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!
Jacqueline Fine
Every night, Jacqueline’s dreams are filled with things that have not yet come to pass. At first, she thought of these dreams as a terrible curse. However, as she began to control her visions and observe the events within in greater detail, she now understands they are no curse, but a calling. In fact, Jacqueline Fine (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 1) has more ability to manipulate the fate of chaos tokens than almost any other investigator. When an investigator at your location would reveal any number of chaos tokens, you may choose to reveal two additional tokens and cancel two of the revealed tokens!
Obviously, Jacqueline’s prescience is useful during any skill test, but it also comes into play with a full suite of new Spells introduced in this expansion, such as Azure Flame (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 7) and Clairvoyance (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 8). These Spells are highly efficient, but if you reveal some of the most beneficial chaos tokens, you must pay a price. Fortunately, Jacqueline’s ability can help ensure that you pass the test even while avoiding the consequences.
As you look to purchase new cards for Jacqueline’s deck with your experience, you may take a look at Robes of Endless Night (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 22), an asset that reduces the cost of the Spells you play and keeps you from provoking attacks of opportunity by playing them. Or, you may play Recharge (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 29) to quickly reload the charges on your Spells or Relics, keeping you in the investigation even once you exhaust your invocations.