Product description
Clan Tremere was once the most secretive clan among vampires, jealously guarding their powers of Blood Sorcery. Now the clan is shattered by internal conflicts, but make no mistake: the Warlocks are still more than active in The Eternal Struggle, and nothing will stand in their way of gaining more power.

This deck is a flexible toolbox. You can either build slowly, getting equipment and mustering many vampires, or put constant pressure on your prey with Dominate-powered bleed actions. Your vampires can either avoid unhealthy encounters or choose to battle when your hand is full of Blood Sorcery combat cards. Your defense is strong – your vampires are always on high alert!
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt: (12 cards)
2 Ayelech
1 Chrysanthemum
2 Inez Tristao
1 Lauren
1 Lloyd Brooks
1 Nassir
1 Patrik Söderberg
1 Rosalina Cortez
2 Trevon Parker
Library: (77 cards)
1 Academic Hunting Ground
1 Arcane Library
1 Chantry
1 Misdirection
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Wasserschloss Anif, Austria
4 Vessel
1 Wider View
12 Govern the Unaligned
2 Magic of the Smith
1 .44 Magnum
1 Bowl of Convergence
1 Kevlar Vest
1 Sport Bike
6 Bonding
6 Mirror Walk
4 Apportation
10 Theft of Vitae
4 Deflection
6 Eyes of Argus
4 On the Qui Vive
2 Precognition
2 The Spirit’s Touch
4 Telepathic Misdirection
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