Product description
Utopia & Cimmeria is a double-sided game board presenting two new maps for Terraforming Mars, each with new milestones and awards:
Terra Cimmeria is a new fan-made board for Terraforming Mars, with new milestones and awards:
Special rules
- Place a tile on MSL Curiosity area and get a colony for just 5 MC.
- Planetologist - achieve 5 planet tags (Earth, Jovian, Venus)
- Architect - have 3 city tags
- Coastguard - have 4 tiles adjacent to ocean tiles
- Forester - have 5 plant production
- Investor - have 13 MC production
- Hoverlord - have 7 floater resources
- Electrician - most energy tags
- Founder - most tiles adjacent to special tiles
- Mogul - most production except MC
- Zoologist - most animal/microbe resources
- Forecaster - most blue/green cards with requirements
Utopia Planitia, The Neoprene version is a fan-made board with the following milestones and awards (which are a little different from the Carboard version of the map):
- Specialist - have 3 special tiles
- Pioneer - have 3 colonies
- Trader - have minimum 3 different nonstandard resources
- Metallurgist - minimum 5 of any combined steel and titanium production
- Researcher - have 4 science tags
- Suburbian - most tiles on the rim of the board
- Investor - most earth tags
- Botanist - most plant production
- Incorporator - most played project cards cheaper or equal to 10MC
- Metropolist - most cities
The Carboard version of Utopia Planitia is the version rebalanced by Fryxgames and is available as double sided map in the Utopia & Cimmeria Expansion.
it has the following milestones and awards (which are a little different from the Neoprene version of the map):
- Manager - 3 special tiles in play
- Pioneer - 3 colonies in play
- Trader - 3 different type of resources on cards (e.g. different kinds of microbes only count as 1 type of resource)
- Metallurgist - 6 steel production and titanium production combined
- Researcher - 4 science tags
- Suburbian - most tiles along the border of the map
- Investor - most earth tags
- Botanist - highest plant production
- Incorporator - most cards played with a cost of 10 M€ or less
- Metropolist - most city tiles
Terraforming Mars: Utopia & Cimmeria
Number of players
2-5 players
Recommended age
0+ years
Heavy (3.0 / 5)
Stronghold Games
Arnd Drifte
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