Spirit Island (EN)

Spirit Island (EN)

Spirit Island (EN)

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Product description

In the most distant reaches of the world, magic still exists, embodied by spirits of the land, of the sky, and of every natural thing. As the great powers of Europe stretch their colonial empires further and further, they will inevitably lay claim to a place where spirits still hold power - and when they do, the land itself will fight back alongside the islanders who live there.

Spirit Island is a complex and thematic cooperative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders. Players are different spirits of the land, each with its own unique elemental powers. Every turn, players simultaneously choose which of their power cards to play, paying energy to do so. Using combinations of power cards that match a spirit's elemental affinities can grant free bonus effects. Faster powers take effect immediately, before the Invaders spread and ravage, but other magics are slower, requiring forethought and planning to use effectively. In the Spirit phase, spirits gain energy, and choose how / whether to Grow: to reclaim used power cards, to seek for new power, or to spread presence into new areas of the island.

The Invaders expand across the island map in a semi-predictable fashion. Each turn they explore into some lands (portions of the island); the next turn, they build in those lands, forming settlements and cities. The turn after that, they ravage there, bringing blight to the land and attacking any native islanders present.

The islanders fight back against the Invaders when attacked, and lend the spirits some other aid, but may not always do so exactly as you'd hoped. Some Powers work through the islanders, helping them (eg) drive out the Invaders or clean the land of blight.

The game escalates as it progresses: spirits spread their presence to new parts of the island and seek out new and more potent powers, while the Invaders step up their colonization efforts. Each turn represents 1-3 years of alternate-history.

At game start, winning requires destroying every last settlement and city on the board - but as you frighten the Invaders more and more, victory becomes easier: they'll run away even if some number of settlements or cities remain. Defeat comes if any spirit is destroyed, if the island is overrun by blight, or if the Invader deck is depleted before achieving victory.

The game includes different adversaries to fight against (eg: a French Plantation Colony, or a Remote British Colony). Each changes play in different ways, and offers a different path of difficulty boosts to keep the game challenging as you gain skill.

Spirit Island (2017)
Number of players 1-4 players Recommended: 1–4 players Best: 2 players
Recommended age 13+ years
Playing time 120 minutes
Complexity Extreme (4.07 / 5)
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Are there expansions or additional packs for Spirit Island?

Yes, there are several expansions, including "Branch & Claw," "Jagged Earth," and promotional spirit packs. These expansions introduce new spirits, power cards, invaders, scenarios, and additional game mechanics to enhance and diversify gameplay.

How many players can play Spirit Island at the same time?

The game can be played by 1 to 4 players. With expansions, it can accommodate even up to 6 players.

How long does an average game of Spirit Island usually take?

An average game lasts about 90 to 120 minutes, though this can vary based on the number of players and their familiarity with the game.

Is there a digital version or online version of Spirit Island?

Yes, there is a digital version of "Spirit Island" available on platforms like Steam. This version includes the base game and offers additional content through downloadable expansions.

Can you play "Spirit Island" solo?

Yes, "Spirit Island" has a robust solo play mode where a single player can control one or more spirits. Many players find the solo experience to be highly engaging and challenging.

Spirit Island is a cooperative board game where players take on the roles of powerful spirits defending their island from colonizing invaders. Here are the basic rules of the game:


  • 1 island board per player (double-sided)
  • 8 spirit panels
  • 4 invader boards
  • 30 invader cards (3 decks: Stage I, Stage II, Stage III)
  • 20 fear cards
  • 15 blight cards
  • 12 scenario cards
  • 22 adversary cards
  • 32 major power cards
  • 48 minor power cards
  • 32 fear markers
  • 16 blight tokens
  • 80 Dahan tokens
  • 40 explorer tokens
  • 40 town tokens
  • 32 city tokens
  • 8 reminder tokens
  • Energy tokens
  • Various presence tokens
  • Rulebook

Setup for Spirit Island:

  1. Place the island boards in the center to form the game board. The number of boards depends on the number of players.
  2. Each player chooses a spirit and takes the corresponding spirit panel, presence tokens, and starting cards.
  3. Place the invader board nearby and shuffle the invader cards into three separate decks (Stage I, II, III).
  4. Shuffle and place the fear, blight, major power, and minor power decks.
  5. Set up the initial invaders, blight, and Dahan on the island boards as instructed in the setup guide.
  6. Place the fear markers on the fear card track.
  7. Choose a scenario and/or adversary if desired for added challenge.


The goal is to collectively repel the invaders by generating fear and ultimately driving them off the island. Players win if they meet the victory conditions on the fear cards or by eliminating all invaders.

Spirit Island Gameplay:

1. Spirit Phase:
Growth: Each spirit chooses one of their growth options to reclaim cards, gain energy, place presence, or gain power cards.

Gain Energy: Each spirit gains energy based on their energy track.

Play and Pay for Power Cards: Spirits play power cards from their hand, paying the required energy cost.

2. Invader Phase:
Blighted Island: If the island is blighted, resolve the blight card effects.

Fear Effects: Resolve any earned fear cards, generating fear and triggering effects.

Invader Actions:
I. Ravage: Invaders damage the land and Dahan fight back.

II. Build: Invaders construct towns and cities.

III. Explore: New invaders explore the island, adding explorers.

3.Spirit Actions:
Fast Powers: Spirits resolve their fast power cards and innate abilities before the invaders act.

Invader Actions: Invaders resolve ravage, build, and explore steps as outlined above.

Slow Powers: Spirits resolve their slow power cards and innate abilities after the invaders act.

4. Time Passes:
Discard used power cards.

Regenerate any spent presence and tokens.

Winning the Game:

  • Win by achieving the victory conditions on the fear cards or by removing all invaders from the island.

Losing the Game:

  • Lose if any spirit is entirely removed from the island.
  • Lose if the island becomes too blighted.
  • Lose if the invaders overrun the island (by depleting the invader deck).

Special Rules:

  • Fear Cards: Generate fear by destroying invaders and meeting other card effects to earn fear cards, which provide powerful effects and move the game toward victory.
  • Blight: Blight represents environmental damage. Too much blight can lead to losing the game.
  • Adversaries and Scenarios: These optional elements add unique challenges and variability to the game.

Optional Rules:

  • Increased Difficulty: Use adversary cards to add tougher invader actions.
  • Custom Scenarios: Add specific scenario cards for different challenges and objectives.
  • Advanced Play: Use more complex spirits and powers for a deeper strategic experience.

These rules provide a basic framework for playing Spirit Island, making it an engaging and strategic cooperative game. The excitement of Spirit Island comes from the unique powers of each spirit, the escalating threat of the invaders, and the collaborative strategy needed to protect the island.

Accessories for Spirit Island (EN)

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Joao L.

Excellent mechanics, may get a bit bogged down on more than one player.


Excellent game. Complex, but not frustrating. Challenging, but not impossible. Strategic from start to end. Every play is different, and with the expansions it gets even more varied. I highly recommend it to everyone who loves spending a couple of hours strategizing with friends.

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